Call for Summer Internship Proposals is
CLOSED for 2024

Application Deadline:
Wednesday, March 13, 2024
by 11:59 pm PST

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Proposals are invited for summer internship opportunities that are consistent with the CoE mission and should address themes relevant for public-health policy. Proposals for this award type must involve undergraduate summer internships that offer opportunities for practical training and experience in public-health entomology or related fields. Proposed internships should address one or more of the research priorities identified by CDC (see Appendix).

Undergraduate interns may gain experience through summer work with a partner mosquito/vector control or public health agency or through research with faculty investigators at eligible institutions (see below). Summer experience should be combined if possible with mentored, on-campus experience in laboratory or field methods, data analysis and scientific writing during the academic year. Ideally, projects would culminate in networking opportunities and a presentation of results at a state or regional vector control or public health meeting.

These internships are intended to provide career development opportunities for individuals interested in public-health-relevant research on vector-borne diseases. Efforts should also be described in the proposal for ensuring that the program reaches the broadest student audience possible.

Preference will be given to projects that involve the following: (1) collaboration with public health, vector control, or other agencies relevant to PacVec’s mission, and (2) matching funds from collaborating agencies or the investigators’ institution.

Award Amount

PacVec has a total of $12,000 to award for internships during 2024. We expect to fund 3-6 awards of approximately $1,000-$5,000 each. Funding amounts per project will vary based on the total number of proposals received, quality of proposed internship experiences, and identified needs for financial support. Awards are intended to support internships that can be completed during a project period of one year between 5/1/2024 – 4/30/2025. Ideally, internships would include a summer experience and potentially opportunities for continued mentorship and attendance at a professional meeting during the 2024-2025 academic year. Carryforward of funds is not permitted beyond the funding period. There is a limit of one internship proposal per faculty mentor, per year.


Proposals are invited from mentors at any of the following collaborating institutions within PacVec:

  • University of California, Davis
  • University of California, Riverside
  • San Francisco State University
  • University of the Pacific
  • University of Arizona
  • Translational Genomics Research Institute
  • The University of Utah

All investigators with a faculty title at the institutions above are eligible to apply as a mentor for these internships.

Budget Restrictions

Funding must be used exclusively to support the intern(s). Examples of allowable expenses include salary and benefits for undergraduate interns, research supplies, or related travel. The budget must include travel funds or clearly identified matching funds that will enable the intern to attend a state or regional meeting to network and present their results. No subcontracts allowed.

Indirect Costs

These small grants are supported through federal flow-through funds from CDC. If your institution requires budgeting for indirect costs, they must be included within the requested amount.


A final report will be due 60 days after the end of the project period.

Application Requirements

To apply, please fill out the second page of the call and submit completed proposals by email to Download the 2024 call to learn about application requirements.

Questions may be sent to the same email address or you may call CoE administrator Jenniie Nguyen at

The Pacific Southwest Regional Center of Excellence in Vector-Borne Diseases is supported through Cooperative Agreement Number 1U01CK000649 between the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the University of California, Davis.

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