Call for Training Grant Proposals is
OPEN for 2025
Application Deadline:
Thursday, March 20, 2025
by 11:59 pm PDT
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Proposals are invited for training grants that are consistent with the CoE mission and should address themes relevant for public-health policy. The training grant program offers two award types:
- Curricular Enhancement in Public-Health Entomology
- Mentored Research for Students and Postdoctoral Scholars
Proposals for this award type for curriculum enhancement must involve undergraduate-focused training programs that offer expanded opportunities for practical training and experience in public-health entomology. Such programs must include undergraduates and may also include graduate students (e.g., for courses or training that are offered to both undergraduate and graduate students). Examples of such programs would include development of lab courses, workshops, or other short courses that EXPAND existing curriculum content and training opportunities at the proposing institution. Training grants are intended to increase opportunities for hands-on learning and awareness of careers in public-health entomology as a complement to existing curriculum content at colleges and universities in the Pacific Southwest. Efforts should also be described in the proposal for ensuring that the program reaches the broadest student audience possible.
Preference will be given to projects that involve the following: (1) opportunities for hands-on experiences that involve public health or vector control agencies, (2) matching funds from collaborating agencies or the investigators’ institution, and (3) clearly defined approaches to maximize the benefit of the proposed training activities for a broad student audience.
Project budgets are limited to $25,000 per application. Awards are intended to support training that will be completed during a period of one year between 7/1/2025 – 6/30/2026. Carryforward of funds is not permitted – any funds remaining at the end of the project period will be returned to the CoE. There is a limit of one proposal per faculty trainer, per year.
Proposals are invited from investigators at academic institutions within the following states and territories: California, Nevada, Arizona, Hawaii, Utah, Washington, Oregon, Alaska, Idaho, and US-affiliated Pacific Islands of Guam, American Samoa, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Republic of the Marshall Islands, and Republic of Palau. All investigators with a faculty title that confers Principal Investigator status for extramural grants are eligible, including faculty at 2-year colleges such as junior/community colleges. Proposals may be submitted for continuation of curricular enhancement activities supported through prior awards from PacVec CoE. All faculty who are funded by PacVec CoE for applied research projects ARE eligible to apply for these curriculum enhancement awards.
The funding must be used only for the proposed curriculum enhancement. Examples of allowable expenses include support for graduate or undergraduate teaching assistants, partial salary support for faculty engaged in university outreach or extension programs, supplies, or travel (e.g., for field sampling trips). The budget must include travel funds for at least one representative from the project to attend and present on the outcomes of the training program at the annual meeting of the CoE, which will be held at one of our partner institutions within our region. No subcontracts allowed. Recipients must comply with all applicable federal laws, regulations, and policies, which are available online.
These small grants are supported through federal flow-through funds from CDC. If your institution requires budgeting for indirect costs, they must be included within the annual limit of $25,000/year.
A final report will be due 60 days after the end of the project period.
To apply, please complete the application items listed on page 2 of the 2025 call. Completed proposals should be submitted in PDF format with all required documents (2 separate files) in a single email to Download the 2025 call to learn about application requirements.
Download the following required application documents:
Questions may be sent to the same email address or you may call CoE administrator Jenniie Nguyen at +1 530-752-5996
For examples of projects recently funded within the scope of our current grant, please review
the curricular enhancement projects:
Proposals must involve applied research on approaches to prevent vector bites or suppress regionally important arthropod vectors and their associated human disease agents in the environment. Proposed research projects should address one or more of the research priorities identified by CDC (see Appendix). Our CDC funding for PacVec CoE requires projects to focus on evaluating or improving methods to reduce vector biting or reduce vector-borne diseases. Proposals that focus primarily on surveillance, modeling, or development of diagnostics or vaccines will not be funded. If you have questions about this, please email us at Research on topics that are not already within the CoE research portfolio are particularly encouraged, so please feel free to inquire by emailing us about compatibility of proposals with existing PacVec research projects.
Training grants are intended to provide career development opportunities for individuals interested in public-health-relevant research on vector-borne diseases and to enable additional research and training opportunities that will contribute to development of the public-health workforce.
Preference will be given to projects that involve the following: (1) collaboration with public health or vector control agencies, (2) matching funds from collaborating agencies or the investigators’ institution, and (3) a clearly defined career plan in public health that would be enabled by the proposed training.
Project budgets are limited to $25,000 per application. Awards are intended to support VBD-related research that can be completed during a project period of one year between 7/1/2025 – 6/30/2026. Carryforward of funds is not permitted – any funds remaining at the end of the project period will be returned to the CoE. There is a limit of one proposal per faculty mentor, per year.
Proposals are invited from investigators at academic institutions within the following states and territories: California, Nevada, Arizona, Hawaii, Utah, Washington, Oregon, Alaska, Idaho, and US-affiliated Pacific Islands of Guam, American Samoa, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Republic of the Marshall Islands, and Republic of Palau. All investigators with a faculty title that confers Principal Investigator status for extramural grants are eligible to apply, including faculty at 2-year colleges such as junior/community colleges, with the following exception. Faculty investigators who are receiving funding for applied research projects from PacVec CoE for the 2022-2027 funding period ARE NOT eligible for these training grants involving mentored research.
The funding must be used to support research of the graduate student or post-doctoral trainee, and if desired, funding requests may include support for multiple graduate students and/or undergraduate assistants engaged in the proposed research. Investigators who received a training grant in the previous year are eligible to apply for additional funding, so long as the proposed work represents new research that was not within the scope of the previous proposal. Proposals from previously funded investigators should also include a 1-page description of progress and key results from the previous award (see below). Recipients must comply with all applicable federal laws, regulations, and policies, which are available online.
Funding must be used exclusively to support research of graduate students, undergraduate assistants, or postdoctoral trainees; funds cannot be used for faculty or staff salaries or entertainment. Examples of allowable expenses include stipend support or tuition for a graduate student or post-doc, wages for undergraduate assistants, research supplies, animal care and use costs, related research expenses, or core facility charges. The budget must include travel funds or clearly identified matching funds that will enable the primary trainee(s) to attend and present their research at the annual meeting of the CoE to be held at one of our partner institutions within the Pacific Southwest region. No subcontracts allowed. Note that prior approval will be required if the designated trainee’s status changes and there is a desire to redirect funding to a different trainee; to seek approval, the proposed new trainee(s) must submit a biosketch and career plan.
These small grants are supported through a combination of federal flow-through funds from CDC and matching funds from the University of California, Davis. If your institution requires budgeting for indirect costs, they must be included within the annual limit of $25,000/year.
A final report will be due 60 days after the end of the project period.
To apply, please complete the application items listed on page 2 of the 2025 call. Completed proposals should be submitted in PDF format with all required documents (2 separate files) in a single email to Download the 2025 call to learn about application requirements.
Download the following required application documents:
Questions may be sent to the same email address or you may call CoE administrator Jenniie Nguyen at +1 530-752-5996
For examples of projects recently funded within the scope of our current grant, please review
the method research projects:
The Pacific Southwest Regional Center of Excellence in Vector-Borne Diseases is supported through Cooperative Agreement Number 1U01CK000649 between the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the University of California, Davis.
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